Monday, October 8, 2007

Last Thursday...

was an eventful day. I started the day out with my friend and neighbor Kandi, yes that is her real, full, name. Anyway, she asked if I wanted to go with her to a card making workshop. I was super excited to go to one that I didn't have to do any work for. I used to do these myself but it was too much of a hassle, so I quit. Well, I really wanted to go, but Rick was expecting me to clean the entire house, top to bottom, because I was going out of town for a girls weekend. So, I thought about it and said screw cleaning, I'm gonna make cards! So we went and I was pleasantly surprised. We made 5 baby cards and they were adorable. We had to hurry home so I could be home for when the boys got home from school.

From noon until 1, I was frantically cleaning the house. I thought, for a split second, maybe I shouldn't have gone to the workshop. My house had a lot of work to be done and I needed to head for my first Dr's appt. I did what I could to the house and then took all the boys to my other friend's, Marie, house and went to the Doctor.

The doctors office was filled with pregnant girls. I felt a little weird being associated with all of them. I was from California, and being pregnant here, in Utah, seemed like no big deal because EVERYBODY is pregos here. I wished I was back in Cali. I must be emotional because I almost started crying. But, I didn't (I'm not that big of a wuss). They called me back and I had to do all the crappy "first visit" stuff, like get totally naked! Suck... At the end they did an ultrasound because I really had no clue as to when my last period was. They kind of looked at me like I was an idiot. Here I am, having 4 kids already, and acting like a 12 year old who doesn't keep track of her menstrual cycle. It worked out to my advantage though. I found out that I am 12 weeks and due in April. Crazy! I am practically 1/3 of the way done already. The baby was doing flips and waving it's arms at the camera. The heart beat was already going strong. I asked the doctor why the baby already had limbs (before he told me my due date). I was so surprised to see a real, formed, moving baby that didn't look like a peanut. He laughed and said, "That's what happens when your almost in your 2nd trimester...". I felt stupid. But it was still awesome. He said we could find out what the baby is, if we want to , my next appt.

So here we are, waiting for April 20, 2008, and wondering if we are going to have an Ace Vaughn or Van, or an Avery or Bella Marie..........


King Klan said...

yeah for you. anywho i found all of the pictures so just let me know what you want.

Elissa said...

Love this blog. Don't you just love baby making capital and feeling like it's no big deal that you're pregnant cause fifty thousand other girls are!! Thats awesome you are having a 5th, that's exciting!!

Stacy said...

So what are you hoping for a boy or a girl? I think theres enough jackman boys. Im going for a GIRL!!

Amanda said...

So I'm curious. Are you considering Bella as a name for a girl because you are now obsessed with Bella Swan? I was just wondering.

Kalli Monroe said...

Hey girl i never hear from u anymore i am glad we have these blogs or i would never know whats up talk later:)so like things are good!

Tanya said...

Congratulations! That is a plus side to not keeping track. My sister just moved to Utah and married into a big family and she says the same thing about being pregnant up there. She's not yet but is already requesting that when her time comes WE make a big deal about it.